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RT Portugal: Help Mozambique

Mozambique (Moçambique), a portuguese speaking country in southeast Africa, was devastated by Idai Cyclone. It's time to help

RT Portugal: Help Mozambique
RT Portugal: Help Mozambique

Horário e local


Beira, Mozambique

Sobre o evento

Mozambique (Moçambique), a portuguese speaking country in southeast Africa, was devastated by Idai Cyclone March 14.

Buildings, schools, potable water, communications, power and lifes, vanished in a matter of hours.

Beira, the fourth largest city in mozambique, due to heavy rain and strong winds, became an island.

Due to lack of clean water Cholera & Diareia epidemics expected

Flooded 3000 sq Km

Destroyed 90% of Beira city with 500.000 inhabitants

Refugees in camps 110.000

Death toll estimated 1000

We plan to have your support to rebuit at least one school.

All the help is needed!

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